Ringo Válvulas held an Open Doors Day on last 3rd and 5th November, 2015 that were attended by some of the most important Spanish companies from different sectors such as Power Generation and Oil & Gas: Engineering, Contractors and End Users.

Main target of this event was to reveal all the Ringo Válvulas capabilities not only of its Engineering Department but also to show the state-of-the-art factory, including the full range of tests benches that makes Ringo able to design and produce all sort of valves in severe service and, generally speaking, high demanding valves such us:

–          Cage guided control Valves for critical service conditions

–          On-off as well as control Valves for special applications:

  • Large sizes
  • High pressures (Rating 4500# and 15000 psi)
  • Valves made up of exotic materials
  • Nuclear Class
  • Upstream Services (API 6A)
  • Subsea service
  • Oxygen service
  • Offshore service
  • ESDV – Emergency Shut Down Valves
  • Cryogenic valves
  • High temperatura valves
  • Steam desuperheaters
  • o   High Integrity Pressure Protection Systems (HIPPS)

Program included a general presentation of the company followed by a deeper one focus in the Ringo Válvulas capabilities to design, produce and supply all kind of valves for the critical applications mentioned above. Among with the presentations, Ringo showed some practical cases where attenders had the chance to see the design process and documentation management integrated in SIPROV, an exclusive and tailor-made ERP that was designed and developed specifically to Ringo, covering all the processes from the inquiry reception till the valves dispatching.

Finally, participants visited the Engineering Department and performed a Factory tour where it was showed the full production process from raw material reception until assembly, testing, painting and packing.

Open Doors Days were successful since they fulfilled the main aim of providing all the attenders with a complete idea about the full range of valves and solutions that Ringo can offer to the different type of projects and applications where their companies use to work.

Of course, Ringo Válvulas would like to thank all the attenders their participation in the event and the interest shown during the development of the same.

