
The Spanish nuclear industry competes in China for a growing market

Nota de prensa del Foro Nuclear sobre la participación de empresas españolas en la feria Nuclear Industry China 2016, que se celebra en Pekín del 6 al 10 de abril. http://www.foronuclear.org/es/sala-de-prensa/notas-de-prensa/122185-la-industria-nuclear-espanola-compite-en-china-por-un-mercado-en-crecimiento        


The Spanish nuclear industry competes in China for a growing market

Press release of Foro Nuclear about participation of Spanish Companies in the exhibition Nuclear Industry China 2016, to take place in Beijing from 6th to 10th April. http://www.foronuclear.org/es/sala-de-prensa/notas-de-prensa/122185-la-industria-nuclear-espanola-compite-en-china-por-un-mercado-en-crecimiento        


Ringo Válvulas has attended the SNE

Once again, Ringo Válvulas has attended the Annual Meeting of Sociedad Nuclear Española, held at the city of La Coruña. Like every year, Ringo has actively participated with a booth where it has been possible to be in contact with their esteemed customers from Spanish Nuclear market, being able to be aware about market development with the main [...]


Ringo Válvulas has attended the SNE

Once again, Ringo Válvulas has attended the Annual Meeting of Sociedad Nuclear Española, held at the city of La Coruña. Like every year, Ringo has actively participated with a booth where it has been possible to be in contact with their esteemed customers from Spanish Nuclear market, being able to be aware about market development with the main [...]



RINGO VALVULAS 公司与FUNDACIÓN ILUMINAFRICA联手举办第一届燃亮非洲小型演讲比赛。FUNDACIÓN ILUMINAFRICA此举主要目的是为宣传在非洲偏远地区奉献的医务工作者的光荣事迹。参赛者可以通过涉及以下三个方面最多1000字的演讲内容来参赛:失明,合作,非洲。 http://iluminafrica.com/ […]


RINGO VALVULAS cooperates with the ILUMINAFRICA Foundation

“RINGO VALVULAS cooperates with the ILUMINAFRICA Foundation in the first edition of the competition of micro stories solidarity ILUMINAFRICA. ILUMINAFRICA Foundation Announces the competition of Micro stories solidarity in order to add value to the work of all those professionals who work to provide health care to the most disadvantaged regions of Africa. The prizes [...]


Colaboración Ringo Válvulas con Fundación Iluminafrica

RINGO VALVULAS colabora con la FUNDACIÓN ILUMINAFRICA en la I edición del concurso de micro relatos solidarios ILUMINÁFRICA. FUNDACIÓN ILUMINAFRICA convoca el Concurso de Micro relatos Solidarios con el objeto de poner en valor el trabajo de todos aquellos profesionales que trabajan por acercar la asistencia sanitaria a las regiones más desfavorecidas de África. Los [...]


Seminar about Control and On-off valves for the nuclear sector

Ringo Válvulas, in cooperation with OKAN, its main partner for the Russian nuclear market, organized a Seminar about Control and On-off valves for the nuclear sector that was held at Ringo facilities during last 25th and 26th November and attended by representatives of Rosatom General Designer Companies JSC Atomproekt, JSC Atomenergoproekt, JSC NIAEP. The seminar [...]


Seminario Válvulas de control y todo/nada para el sector nuclear

Ringo Válvulas, en colaboración con OKAN, su principal socio en el mercado nuclear ruso,  organizó un Seminario los pasados 25 y 26 de noviembre sobre Válvulas de control y todo/nada para el sector nuclear. El evento tuvo lugar en sus instalaciones de Ringo Válvulas y fue atendido por representantes de las empresas de Ingeniería de [...]



RINGO VALVULAS是世界契约组织的成员,关于更新进度报告,社会责任记录,及世界契约纪事内容 请查看网址 国际版https://www.unglobalcompact.org/what-is-gc/participants/56401#cop 国内版 
