
Technical Training for the Samson Product Champions team for Ringo products

As a part of the strategy of increasing the synergies between Ringo Válvulas and the Samson subsidiaries all over the world, some Samson offices (those where there is a high potential market for the Ringo Válvulas products) have been appointed as key sales points: Spain, Italy, Norway, Japan, China, UAE, Latin American and USA Samson [...]


Ringo in the media

Magazine Nuclear España, in its number 372 of April 2016 (monographic about Spanish Nuclear Power Plants), has published an article about Ringo Válvulas in the Spanish Nuclear Market. Read the article in this link: Ringo_Valvulas_article_april_2016 See also an article published by El País on Sunday 29th May 2016 about Spanish Nuclear Industry, where Ringo is mentioned [...]


21st Iran International Oil, Gas, Refining and Petrochemical Exhibition

Ringo Válvulas has actively participated in the 21st Iran International Oil, Gas, Refining and Petrochemical Exhibition held at Tehran from 5th to 8th May, 2016, being present at the Samson booth. Ringo Válvulas has been very active in the Iranian Oil & Gas market for the last years and expects to increase its business in [...]


Ringo Válvulas: Code of Business Conduct 2016

RINGO VALVULAS incorporates its management system the Compliance Program with the aim of consolidating the principles of ethics and conduct that generate and consolidated into the company's culture of legality and good practice. The Compliance Program is a set of rules of national character, established in the company at the initiative of the board of [...]


Control valves for the Belarus Nuclear Power Plant

Ringo Válvulas has successfully completed the FAT of eight (8) critical control valves for the Belarus Nuclear Power Plant. Final Inspection was attended by end user representatives with satisfactory result and valves are ready now to be delivered to the plant. Valves are for  a critical system, the Pressure Regulator in Main Steam Pipeline. Valves [...]


Work climate assessment.

The work climate survey is the main tool to meet the satisfaction of employees and establish action plans for improvement. It is performed every two years and in the last edition of 2015 the level of participation was 67% and overall satisfaction rate of 60%. RV publishes on the website of the company the report [...]


Inspection of five (5) pieces of High Pressure ball valves 6” 3000# with HUB ENDS

Ringo Válvulas is proud to announce that has satisfactorily performed the final inspection of five (5) pieces of High Pressure ball valves 6” 3000# with HUB ends related to the contract received from Samson Kabushiki Kaisha (Japan) for the Aurora-Eos Project. FAT was attended by MES representatives. See below description of the valves and project [...]


Greenhouse Gas Emissions – Ringo Valves

RINGO VALVULAS calculates and publishes its carbon footprint for all its activities. This indicator aims to quantify the amount of emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) that are released to the atmosphere expressed in tons of CO2 equivalent (CO2e). RV performs the calculation of the carbon footprint of its activities in accordance with the requirements of [...]


Curso de Formación Técnica sobre sus productos para OOO Samson Controls (Rusia) en Ringo Válvulas

Ringo Válvulas organizó  un Curso de Formación Técnica sobre sus productos para OOO Samson Controls (Rusia) que tuvo lugar en las instalaciones de Ringo. El curso duró tres días completos (del 4 al 6 de abril) y participaron 14 personas del Departamento de Ventas de todas las áreas geográficas de Rusia. El programa del [...]


Technical Training for OOO Samson Controls (Russia) held at Ringo Válvulas

Ringo Válvulas organized a Technical Training about Ringo products for OOO Samson Controls (Russia) that took place at Ringo facilities. The course lasted three complete days, from 4th to 6th April and was attended by 14 people involved in sales from all the different geographical areas in Russia. Program of the Technical Course included the [...]
