
First Seminar of Technological Cooperation for the Argentinian Nuclear Industry between SNGC and ADIMRA

Ringo Válvulas, as member of the SNGC (Spanish Nuclear Group for Cooperation) has attended the first Seminar for Technological Cooperation for the Argentinian Nuclear Industry held in Buenos Aires from 3rd to 5th April.  SNGC companies were received in the headquarters of ADIMRA (Association of Argentinian Metallurgical Industry) on April 3rd: the event was opened [...]


Supply of an Emergency Shut Down Ball Valve 36” 1500#

  Samson Ringo has recently completed the manufacturing; testing and shipment of an ESDV Top entry ball valve 36” 1500# to be installed in the IDKU field in Alexandria (Egypt). End user of these valves is Burullus Gas Co. / Rashid Petroleum and valve is going to be installed in the offshore pipeline to a [...]


Diagnosis of MOV & AOV Valves for Alternate Coolant Injection System (ACIS) of Olkiluoto Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 & 2

Ringo completed the manufacturing and inspection of a package of nuclear valves up to class 1 related to an order to be supplied to TVO (Olkilouto NPP Units 1 & 2) through Ringo Nordic. Scope of the order is detailed as follows: As part of the scope of the job, Ringo performed the following tests [...]


Course of valves fabrication according to ASME III N-Stamp

Ringo Válvulas has organized a course of nuclear valves fabrication according to ASME III N-Stamp that has been imparted by Mr. Rodrigo González from Lloyd´s Register, who is ASME ANI/AIS qualified. Representatives from all the departments involved in the process: inquiry reception, design, project management, production and quality assurance have attended the course. Ringo, as [...]


Supply of Stainless Steel Angle Globe Control Valve 24” 600#

Samson Ringo has recently supplied through Samson Controls USA a stainless steel Angle Globe Control Valve 24” 600# to be installed in a Methanol Plant in United States. Task of this valve is the control of gas / hydrocarbon to the flare stack for disposal. Flare valves operates very seldom, but has to be extremely [...]


RINGO VALVULAS has obtained the label “Responsible Socially in Aragón”

In 2016, the Government of Aragon, together with the social partners, have launched the Aragón Social Responsibility Plan, with the aim of companies of Aragon to strengthen their commitment to Social Responsibility thanks to their strategic focus on policies, products , services and actions that generate a social impact more sustainable and relevant. RINGO VALVULAS [...]


RINGO VALVULAS cooperates with the ILUMINAFRICA Foundation

RINGO VÁLVULAS has been one of the sponsors in the Second Edition of the contest “Solidary Micro Stories” organized by the Foundation Ilumináfrica. José Antonio Valero (Ringo Válvulas HSE&CSR Manager) attended the prizes award ceremony that took place at the College of Doctors of Zaragoza on 21st December, 2016 and was also attended by the [...]



Ringo Válvulas has successfully completed the FAT of a package of critical control valves nuclear class 2 for the Belarus Nuclear Power Plant. Final Inspection was attended by end user representatives with satisfactory result and valves were already delivered to the plant. Scope of the supplied valves is as follows: Item Qty Size Rating Valve [...]


Ringo Válvulas participation in the III ESIC Companies Race

Ringo Válvulas participated in the III ESIC COMPANIES´S RACE held last Sunday 18th December in an urban circuit in Zaragoza. Ringo Válvulas team was formed by 9 members distributed in three groups of 3 persons each that completed the total distance of the race: 8 km. Experience was very positive and fruitful because fulfilled its [...]


New Brochure of High Integrity Pressure Protection System (HIPPS)

Samson Ringo is pleased to announce the release of its new brochure of HIPPS (High Integrity Pressure Protection System). Nowadays, use of HIPPS instead of traditional overpressure relief systems is becoming more common due to the advantages that they present: Environmental protection: there is no fluid released to the atmosphere Same or superior safety level than [...]
