
Virtual Annual Meeting of SNE (Spanish Nuclear Association)

Un año más, Ringo Válvulas ha participado activamente en la Reunión Anual de la Sociedad Nuclear Española. Este año, debido a las circunstancias especiales de pandemia por Covid-19, la reunión se ha celebrado de manera virtual del 16 al 19 de noviembre. Once again, Ringo Válvulas has actively participated in the annual Meeting of the [...]


SAMSON RINGO is fully committed to support ASPANOA

SAMSON RINGO is fully committed to support ASPANOA (Association that fights against Childhood Cancer promoting  research on it, as well as helping children and their families cope with the disease) and for the fourth consecutive year has acquired one of the artworks donated by a group of artists that cooperate with Aspanoa. This year, Ringo [...]


Supply of Titanium Pressure regulators for Long Son Integrated Petrochemicals Complex (Vietnam)

Samson Ringo has completed the manufacturing and testing of a Pressure Regulator with special design of Forging Titanium for Sodium Hypochlorite (NaOCl)   Main characteristics of this self-regulated valve are:   Size: 1” / Rating: 300# Ends: Integral flanged according to ASME B16.5 Body material: B381 F2 Trim: All wetted parts are Titanium Actuator: Stainless [...]


Supply of Chokes to PDO (Oman)

Samson Ringo is completing the first batch for a contract that includes 110 chokes to PDO (Oman) for Gas Wellheads Scope of the contract: 70 pieces of 5 1/8” x 71/16” 10000#. Body: 182 F51 / Trim: F51 with solid Tungsten Carbine cage insert 40 pieces of 6” 2500#. Body: A995 Gr 4A / Trim: [...]


Supply of 3595 Type Control Valves to Huizhou Refinery (China)

Samson Ringo has recently concluded the manufacturing and satisfactory testing to be supplied to China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) through Samson China for a Desuperheaters modification project in the Huizhou Refinery.   Scope of the supplied goods is detailed below: 2 off Cage guided Control valves 6” 2500# A217 WC9 body and T420 trim [...]



SAMSON RINGO is proud to announce that has recently received approval after successful completion of the  qualification process based on  Shell MESC SPE 77/300, SPE 77/300A and ISO 5208-2015.  These valves have been supplied for critical HIPPS application in one of the Shell operating units in the Middle East. Scope of the supplied Axial Flow [...]


Healthy Companies Summit

Samson Ringo is proud to announce that last February collected the award as one of the first twenty four companies that have fulfilled the requirements  to be member of the Aragón Healthy Companies Network. Samson Ringo is fully committed to the UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030 and particularly to the Goal number 3, promoting the health [...]


Fast Acting Angle Control Valves for Anti surge service. Olefin Complex: Ethane Cracking Plant

Samson Ringo completed the FAT of 3595 Control valves for antisurge application to be installed in the Ethane Cracking plant of a Petrochemincal complex. The scope of the order includes Angle control valve type 3595 with A352 LCB body and stainless steel trim 316 with stellite hardfacing: 1 off 16”x30” 300# 1 off 12” x [...]


Participation of Samson Ringo in ADIPEC 2019

Ringo Válvulas (SAMSON Ringo) actively participated in the last edition of Adipec, held in Abu Dhabi between the 11th and 14th  November as an integral part of the SAMSON booth and would like to thank all existing and new customers who visited us. We have been active in the Middle East market for several years [...]


Qualification of Automatic Safety Valve for Accumulator Depressurization (ASVAD)

Ringo Válvulas is proud to announce that we have recently concluded all the qualification tests of the nuclear prototype of the Automatic Safety Valve for Accumulator Depressurization (ASVAD). After this successful qualification the ASVAD valve fulfill all the requirements to be considered Nuclear Class 2 according to ASME Section III Subsection NC Ed. 2015. This [...]
