
Ringo Válvulas se consolida en el mercado nuclear ruso

Ringo Válvulas ha sido adjudicatario de un contrato para el suministro de 8 válvulas de compuerta de DN 800 600# clase nuclear 2 para la Central Nuclear de Lenindgrad (Rusia). Con este contrato, Ringo válvulas se consolida en el mercado nuclear ruso, donde ya está fabricando válvulas de control para la central de Beloyarskaya.


Válvulas de bola de Titanio para la plataforma Dunlin UK

Ringo Válvulas ha conseguido un contrato con AMEC Natural Resources (EWA) para el suministro de válvulas de bola en titanio B381 F2. Dichas válvulas serán instaladas para una línea de la plataforma Dunlin localizada en el mar del Norte (UK). Las válvulas están diseñadas para un fluido con un contenido de 1,2 % de hipoclorito [...]



Ringo Válvulas ha firmado un contrato para el suministro de válvulas de control con actuadores hidráulicos y paneles de control integrados con destino a Total E&P Nederland (TEPNL), para el proyecto “Water Purification & Injection System on riser of well #2 & #5 on F15-A platform” en Holanda. Las válvulas de control serán instaladas para [...]


Strategic marketing plan

Ringo Valvulas have implemented a strategic marketing plan to develop further the North Sea market and penetrate the global markets further through the UK based engineering companies. The market development shows very positive signs and the first orders have been received with many more expected in the short term.


Successfully completed qualification program for Kvaerner & Aker Solutions

Ringo Valvulas have successfully completed the qualification program for Kvaerner & Aker Solutions with a rating of 92/100. This excellent rating gives Ringo Valvulas the status of “Approved Supplier” in both companies on a Global basis, thus enhancing opportunities for export.


Nuclear 2013 exhibition 23 to 25th May 2013 in Shanghai

Ringo Valvulas to attend the Nuclear 2013 exhibition 23 to 25th May 2013  in Shanghai, China as part of the “Spanish Nuclear Group for China” SNGC. Attendance at this exhibition expresses clearly the commitment from Ringo Valvulas to continue to support both the existing nuclear power plants and the exciting new build program.


Feria Nuclear 2013: del 23 al 25 de mayo en Shanghai

Ringo Valvulas to attend the Nuclear 2013 exhibition 23 to 25th May 2013  in Shanghai, China as part of the “Spanish Nuclear Group for China” SNGC. Attendance at this exhibition expresses clearly the commitment from Ringo Valvulas to continue to support both the existing nuclear power plants and the exciting new build program.


Successfully completed qualification program for Kvaerner & Aker Solutions

Ringo Valvulas have successfully completed the qualification program for Kvaerner & Aker Solutions with a rating of 92/100. This excellent rating gives Ringo Valvulas the status of “Approved Supplier” in both companies on a Global basis, thus enhancing opportunities for export.


Strategic marketing plan

Ringo Valvulas have implemented a strategic marketing plan to develop further the North Sea market and penetrate the global markets further through the UK based engineering companies. The market development shows very positive signs and the first orders have been received with many more expected in the short term.


RINGO VALVULAS集团举办了第一届工作健康与安全告示设计比赛

为庆祝世界工作健康与安全日(四月二十八日),RINGO VALVULAS集团举办了第一届工作健康与安全告示设计比赛。比赛分为两组: 成人组和少儿组,分别由公司职工与他们的儿女参与比赛(至十四周岁)。比赛重在参与,无论是数量还是质量。祝贺所有的参与人员,特别是两组的优胜者。成人组优胜奖品为双人周末郊外游。少儿组优胜奖品为: 一等奖 游戏机一台, 二等奖游乐园入场卷四张,三等奖电影票四张。目前我们已经公布了获奖者名单。
