

RINGO VALVULAS公司已收到API-6DSS海底阀门生产许可证书,这种高价值产品只有具有最高质量的制造商有能力设计生产,同时也是阀门高端市场对我公司产品的另一种肯定。 Api 6DSS reference number 6 DSS - 0038 [icon_link style="download" href="http://www.ringospain.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/RV-44-API-6DSS-License-number-6DSS-0038-2016.pdf" target="_blank" color="red"]PDF[/icon_link]


Jornada de extracción de sangre

RINGO VALVULAS de nuevo colabora con la Hermandad de Donantes de Sangre de Zaragoza para realizar una jornada de extracción de sangre en las instalaciones de RINGO VALVULAS. Desde aquí invitamos a todos nuestros proveedores, clientes y amigos a que si lo desean se acerquen a donar sangre el próximo 8 de abril en horario [...]


Certificate of Approval SA 8000/2008

RINGO VALVULA 公司已经实施了综合管理的SA8000:2008企业社会责任体系,并上传到公司系统软件中。我们在2013年11月通过了德国莱茵TÜV 专业认证机构的认证审核。公司已经修改了其综合性的政策,以满足本标准的要求。现在,您可以直接下载新的政策道德准则和承诺供应商保证书。 Download our certificate here: Certificate of Approval SA 8000/2008


Certificado de aprobación SA 8000/2008

RV ha implantado en su sistema integrado de gestión los requisitos de la norma SA8000:2008 de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial, y ha pasado auditoría de certificación con TÜV Rheinland en noviembre de 2013 con resultado positivo. RV ha modificado su Política integrada para adaptarla a los requerimientos de ésta norma. Ya puede descargarse la nueva Política [...]



RINGO VALVULAS公司已与新的挪威代理商合作,并在北海挪威各地区采取行动。“Matek-Samson”代理有既定的市场中的本土业务,并期待在和RV 集团具有吸引力的投资组合后大幅增长离岸业务。


Norwegian Agent.

Ringo Valvulas has nominated a new Norwegian Agent to act in all areas of supply in the Norwegian sector of the north sea. The agent “Matek-Samson” has an established market in the onshore business and expects substantial growth in the offshore business due to the Ringo attractive portfolio of products.



由北欧RINGO VALVULAS分公司支持RINGO VALVULAS公司出席的佛罗里达州杰克逊维尔的八月 MOV核阀门展,RV集团作为代表阀门产品的唯一欧洲参展商,在展会受到参与企业及人员的热烈欢迎。据消息称定于四月/五月关于ASME核阀门专用按章的审核,使我们在MOM市场作为新的优秀的供应商将会广受青睐。


US Nuclear Market.

Ringo Valvulas supported by Ringo Nordic attended the AUG/MOV nuclear Valve exhibition in Jacksonville Florida. Ringo, was the only European manufacturer of valves represented and the team was well received by the US utilities. The ASME audit for the cherished N stamp is scheduled for April/May and the general message received was that a new, [...]


New Ringo Homologation.

Ringo Valvulas have received the approval to manufacture sub-sea valves to API-6DSS , this is a high value product line only produced by the highest quality manufacturers, another confirmation of RVs commitment to the high grade market. Api 6DSS reference number 6 DSS - 0038 [icon_link style="download" href="http://www.ringospain.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/RV-44-API-6DSS-License-number-6DSS-0038-2016.pdf" target="_blank" color="red"]PDF[/icon_link]


New Customer Approval.

Ringo Valvulas have achieved approved vendor Status with the Kuwait Oil Company “KOC”. This important milestone gives Ringo Valvulas access to the Ball, Gate Globe and Check markets in Kuwait.
