Ringo Valves has recently supplied a contract to the Belarus NPP (Belarus), including 16 globe control valves Nuclear Class 3, for the level regulation in Steam Generator. Scope of this supply is detailed as follows:
- Size: DN400 (8 pieces); DN150 (8 pieces)
- Design pressure: 12,9 MPa
- Working fluid: Feed water
- Design temperature: 250 ºC
Control globe valves DN 400 and DN150 are installed before Steam Generator and the working fluid for these valves is feedwater. The main purpose of these valves is to provide all working modes of Steam Generator during whole NPP lifetime: the valve DN400 is placed on the main pipeline and used for nominal modes of Steam Generator while the DN 150 valve is placed on a by-pass line and making the regulation for the starting and stopping modes of the Steam Generator: this was a technical challenge because the DN150 valve has to regulate more than 17 different cases so minimum required rangeability was 164:1.
Ringo selected its special balanced trim with multicylinder cage and cascade in order to reach the required high rangeability and Ringo is proud to announce that, as part of the customer inspection, this valve was Cv tested getting a satisfactory result with a rangeability of 200:1 (See picture of the valve in the test bench and a graphic with the actual Cv test result)