
Programa Ayudas destinadas a proyectos empresariales para la Transformación y Desarrollo Industrial en Aragón

La empresa Ringo Válvulas, S.L. participa en el programa de ayudas FEDER, cofinanciado por fondos de la Unión Europea. El objetivo de esta operación se centra en impulsar actividades de I+D+i, fomentando la inversión en innovación dentro del tejido productivo de Aragón.


Programa “ICEX-BREXIT” financiado por fondos de la Unión Europea

La empresa Ringo Vávulas, SL participa en el programa "ICEX-BREXIT" financiado por fondos de la Unión Europea, para mitigar las consecuencias adversas de la retirada de Reino Unido de la Unión. Ayudas concedidas por ICEX en 2023.


Programa Operativo Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional / European Regional Development Fund

Ringo Valvulas ha recibido una subvención para su proyecto transformación digital bajo la línea IDIS 2021 a través del Programa Operativo Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional de Aragón 2014-2020 (FEDER) en sus objetivos específicos: Apoyo a las inversiones que contribuyan a la transición hacia una economía digital y/o apoyo a las inversiones que contribuyen a [...]



Inside its program of Social Commitment, SAMSON RINGO has being one of the sponsors of the contest “Solidary Micro Stories” organized by ILUMINAFRICA. ILUMINÁFRICA is a non-profit Foundation established in 2007 to take care of disadvantage people, in developing countries, without access to a proper eye and vision care system. Since November 2007, the foundation [...]


Desuperheaters supply for a Petrochemical Complex

Samson Ringo has completed the supply of a challenging contract that includes steam pressure reduction control valves, water flow injection control valves and venturi spray nozzle type desuperheater units for the Steam let down system of the Olefins Plant Package A1 of the Long Son Petrochemical Complex in South of Vietnam. Superheated steam with high [...]


Hydraulic Operated 32” 900# Ball Valves for Gas Service

Samson Ringo has completed the FAT of two Hydraulic Operated Metal Seated Side Entry Ball Valves (SEBV Series). Valves are 32” 900# with A-105N body and trim F51+TCC. Valves are currently under packing to be dispatched to a gas field in the Middle East.



Ringo Válvulas is proud to announce the completion of design, manufacturing, inspection and test of the first contract of ASME III N-Stamp nuclear valves to be supplied through Curtiss Wright to a nuclear power plant in USA.  Scope for the contact includes four (4) In-line serviceable Ball valves in Nuclear Class 3, made of full stainless [...]


Supply of Globe Control Valve 32” 900#

Samson Ringo is proud to announce that has concluded the design, manufacturing and satisfactory test of a 32” 900# Globe Control Valve: the largest and heaviest 3595 type valve ever produced by Samson Ringo. This valve is going part of a contract for a C2+ Recovery & Fractionation Project in the Middle East and the [...]


Supply of Nuclear Class Valves to Thiange NPP

Ringo Válvulas is completing the manufacturing and testing for a contract for the supply of valves for the IPCA system (Reactor Pit and Alternative Spray Injection) of the Thiange NPP in Belgium. The scope of the contract includes:            - Top entry ball valves 6” and 3” 300# Nuclear Class 2 and 3.            - Check valves [...]


Large sizes Ball Valves for a C2+ Recovery & Fractionation of gases Units

Samson Ringo has recently supplied an order of large size Pneumatic operated Trunnion Mounted Ball valves (series SEBV) from 16” 900# to 42” 900#. All valves were forged with A350 LF2 body, duplex A182 F51 trim and soft seated with PEEK insert. See more information about SEBV Series Valves
